One Dentist Shares Advice for Facing Flood Damage at Your Practice
Disaster Recovery

Out of a flooded disaster came opportunity and plenty of lessons learned for Dr. Kerry White Brown. The reception area of White Brown Smiles in Columbia, Sou[...]

How to Help a Patient Unfamiliar with Dental Visits
Practice Coaching

“You have got to be kidding me,” is what my co-worker would have shouted if she was told one day she would be working in the dental industry, considering he[...]

4 Steps to Take if You’re the Subject of a Dental Board Complaint
Practice Coaching

Imagine that today’s mail has brought an unwelcome package from your dental board. Inside is a subpoena for a patient’s records; a copy of an official compl[...]

Solve the dental insurance puzzle with 4 key pieces
Practice Coaching

Insurance can be an overwhelmingly complex topic. Benco Dental Director of Coaching Kay Huff simplifies the process for dental practices in four steps. Huff [...]

How to prepare for dental OSHA inspections
Infection Control

The past year experienced a 200 percent increase in OSHA inspections nationwide, compared to the average of the previous 20 years. Why the sudden jump? What, if[...]

How does the next best research influence your clinical decision?
Practice Coaching

The decisions we make in the dental practice will inevitably have  significant effects for our patients. The information sources that guide our professional[...]

Five steps to help establish an in-office Private Dental Plan (PDP)
Insurance & Billing

Tired of tussles with insurance companies and the aggrieved patients they often produce? Consider a self-administered in-office plan instead. Have you ever c[...]

How dental fundamentals can help ease Covid-19 pressures

The pressure was already quite intense for young dentists even before Covid-19. Today, there’s so much more that can lead us to take our eyes off the ball—w[...]

How to quickly and affordably rethink your practice’s look to put patients at ease.
Office Design

There are two kinds of patients right now: those who are in pain or for whom treatment can’t wait, and those who are still wondering whether it’s safe to re[...]

Tips to Help Avoid Complaints from Patients and Employees
Practice Coaching

No one wants to be involved in a dental-board disciplinary action. At best, it’s emotionally taxing and time-consuming; at worst, you’ll be fined or reprima[...]

How to Avoid 3 Common Mistakes When Drawing Up a Will
Practice Coaching

Where there’s a will, there’s peace of mind. Anyone under 40 might not like to think about it, but organizing one’s personal affairs is a good idea any da[...]

How to Create Privacy in Open Bays at Dental Practices
Office Design

Alleviating the fears of dental patients is job one for every doctor, and any opportunity to offer an atmosphere of comfort in a post-COVID environment is welco[...]

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