Should You Enlist a Third Party to Handle Dental Practice Administrative Tasks?
Practice Coaching

THINK OF ALL the ways today’s dentists are, in many respects, living the future: virtual patient-practitioner sessions, hard- and soft-tissue lasers, 3D treat[...]

Powerful Strategies for Solving Dental Staffing Challenges
Practice Coaching
Why This is the Best Year to Invest in Your Practice
Service sells. How dentists can use it to set themselves apart and earn loyalty.
Practice Coaching

A chat with Minal Sampat, a hygienist, marketing guru and author, sheds light on how dentists can set themselves apart and earn the loyalty of fickle modern con[...]

Trying to Increase Production Per Visit?
Practice Coaching

When you’re trying to increase your dental practice’s profitability, one of the most important things you can focus on is to increase production. Obvious, r[...]

5 takeaways that can benefit every Independent Dental Practitioner (IDP)
Practice Coaching

Success is all about getting the basics right.  Whether you have one practice or 700, there’s no magic bullet. It really comes down to four things: c[...]

How dentists can reap benefits as their own landlords
Practice Coaching

Dental real estate can be the best investment doctors in private practice make over their entire careers. In fact, some dentists find—as McDonald’s CEO R[...]

5 ways dentists can help prevent opioid addiction
Practice Coaching

Opioids are safe and efficient pain relief methods that can be dangerous when misused. Unfortunately, opioid addiction is a growing and serious issue, especiall[...]

Which Continuing Education credits are required as an RDH?
Practice Coaching

While individual requirements vary by state, all 50 require some amount of Continuing Education credits for hygienists. CE credits are an opportunity to learn s[...]

How to make patient experience a key competitive advantage for your dental practice (especially amid a pandemic)
Practice Coaching

Let’s face it: It’s tough to compete in dentistry when every practice offers essentially the same treatment options. This is true of other industries, of co[...]

4 steps top-performing dental practices take to reach goals
Practice Coaching

What do you want from your dental practice? Take a moment and answer that question. Seriously, stop reading for three to five minutes and ask yourself, “What [...]

3 ways to ensure your dental patients’ experiences keep them coming back.
Practice Coaching

Ensuring that patients like your practice and keep coming back is a matter of good planning, constant feedback and flawless execution. Here’s how to do it. [...]

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