5 Reasons Why IT Managed Support Is More Crucial for Dental Practices than Ordinary Businesses
Dental Software

For dental teams, patient care takes top priority each day. That doesn't leave much time for anything that isn't mission critical. It's easy to fall behind on[...]

Health Records and Hacking: Why Prevention is Always Better Than the Cure
Dental Software

The protection of health records must be given utmost importance. Medical professionals greatly rely on having access to health records when providing medical c[...]

New Patients are Not the Answer
Dental Software

How much did you spend last month trying to acquire new patients? $1,000? $3,000? $5,000? More? How much in the last year? The more important questions: Did [...]

Fixing Your 4th Quarter Hygiene Headache
Dental Software

In a year unlike any other, unexpected shortages of many previously easy-to-find items have become a notable theme of 2020. Toilet paper, of course. Bicycles. B[...]

How Going Paperless Improves Office Efficiency During COVID-19
Dental Software

For dental practices, the health and safety of patients and team members always take top priority; amid COVID-19 that holds true more than ever before. With man[...]

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