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CAD/CAM Blocks and Materials


Choosing the Right Materials for Picture Perfect Restorations

What are CAD/CAM Blocks?

CADCAM pucks and blocks are used in milling to produce dental restorations. These restorations can include veneers, crowns, bridges, dentures, and more.

A variety of materials are used for dental restorations, such as zirconia, glass ceramics, ceramic composites, resin nano ceramics, and resin composites. These materials are developed and tested to determine that they are safe for intraoral use and biocompatible.

Ceramic materials are very popular due to their high biocompatibility and tissue compatibility. They have a natural appearance, are durable, and are resistant to stains. Zirconia is a highly favored choice, due to its high strength. Materials vary in strength, and the required strength will depend on the intended use and design considerations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Looking to learn more about dental resin? Read through our frequently asked questions
to better understand how intraoral scanners can help your practice!

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